MIT Lewis Music Library – Peter Munstedt, Christie Moore – February 20, 2009
As the use of blogs and web sites grows, is it still cost-effective to publish a print newsletter? And how can a newsletter actually generate a return on the investment in labor, paper, ink, and postage? If done well, the print newsletter can be a viable and effective way to raise money.
The MIT Lewis Music Library’s What’s the Score? newsletter evolved from a photocopied news sheet, designed to inform music faculty about library news and recent acquisitions, to an attractive fundraising tool published twice per year in paper and web formats (see timeline on reverse). Over the years, the newsletter mailing list has expanded to include all donors and other friends of the library, increasing from around 50 names to nearly 500. Donations to the library have grown steadily as well, due in large part to the newsletter. Primarily the newsletter serves as a means to engage with MIT alumni who make up most of the library’s donors. In addition, library blogs and e-mails supplement the newletter to communicate timely news to MIT students, faculty and staff.
It takes considerable staff time to produce an issue of the newsletter. The Music Librarian writes and edits material while the Library Assistant edits, oversees the layout and distribution, and maintains the mailing list. Student assistants also help in this production. Because of the newsletter’s emphasis on fundraising, the music library stays in close touch with the development officer and communication officer, both of whom proofread the text for content and style.
The financial returns have justified the effort it takes to produce this newsletter. The work is viewed as a long-term process with a payoff that is not always immediate. It takes time to build a core of loyal donors. Donations supplement the Lewis Music Library collections budget and make possible special projects that would not otherwise have received funding.
Other music libraries might benefit financially by producing their own library newsletter if it is designed with a fundraising focus. The newsletter reminds alumni that the music library plays an active role on campus and that their donations are appreciated and put to good use. News items can feature major gifts as well as library activities of interest to alumni.
The web version of the newsletter is linked from the Lewis Music Library home page, [click on “What’s the Score?”].
Abstract with timeline (pdf)
Bullet points (pdf)
Gifts chart (pdf)
Mailing & donor charts (pdf)
Preprinted blank newsletter shell (pdf)
2008 newsletter (pdf)
For more information: Peter Munstedt,; Christie Moore,
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